Friday, October 29, 2010

Congratulations on Count Day!


Wow! What a great student support services staff at Linn Mar!! Thank you all for your professionalism and timeliness in completing all district IEPs in a timely fashion! By 1:00 this afternoon, Karen Wilson assured me everything was turned in and complete. Congratulations! As I have shared with AEA staff and other special education administrators across the state, I believe our system of keeping IEPs current month by month helps us to not feel like the end of the world when October comes around....kudos to all of you, building administrators, and to Karen Wilson for sending out those friendly monthly reminders!

Here are two more Myths in Special Education as presented by Thomas Mayes:

"Little Johnnie has Level 3 weighting. Therefore, Little Johnnie goes to the Level 3classroom, where he takes 'Level 3 Math,'....Thomas's response: "Levels" 1,2, and 3 are finance mechanisms, based on a child's need. They do not determine a child's programming or placement. Basing a child's programming or placement based on a child's "level" or "weightedness" is illegal!

"Vaccines cause autism." Thomas's response: There is no scientific evidence that vaccines cause autism. The "study" has been withdrawn by its publisher. The author lost his medical license. The court cases have also concluded this is a myth.

Happy Halloween to All! May you and your families stay safe out there!!

Have a great weekend,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Exciting Teacher/Parent Advisory Group and....


What a wonderful parent/teacher advisory meeting we had this past Wednesday. It was a great group of parents, teachers (special education and general education), associate representative and AEA staff! Thank you for those who attended and for those of you invited and want to make sure and come next time! The group completed a survey helping to set goals for the group and agendas for next meetings. The group also set group norms for the meetings. I believe the first step for this group is to learn about the "Best Buddies" program for helping students with IEPs and general education students to connect and support each other. This social program has been started in several middle school and high schools across Iowa including some in our local area. We will be having another meeting the beginning of stay tuned!

As promised...I want to share some of the myths that Thomas Mayes (Department of Ed attorney)shared at the I-CASE conference this Fall. Here is number 1: "The goal of the IEP team is to reach consensus" Thomas's reply: The goal of the IEP team is to write an IEP. Number 2: "My doctor suggested a service in a report. The school has to provide it." Thomas's answer: Decision are made by teams, not individuals. The report is important, but not binding.

Finally......yes it is October and yes....this is the absolutely last week to make sure all IEPs in the district are current! Look out.....if we don't have good information on the status of any noncurrent IEPs we will be calling!!

Have a great week!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Coming Down the Wire....


I hope this Fall weather continues right up to our special education count day!!! Although it does make it hard to stay inside and finish up IEPs! Please note starting next week, you will be receiving friendly email reminders from Karen and me concerning any overdue IEPs that may not be completed. We understand there are times that families can not make it to a meeting. Please remember if we get down to the wire, annual reviews can be sent home without a parent meeting. All of you are so conscientious about knowing best practice is to have parent attend. Thank you for your professionalism!

Upcoming events next week in Student Service Land:
Monday October 18th....Middle School/High School staff meet at 1:30 in the Upper Commons at the High School. (Elementary...payback time from meeting in August.)

Wednesday October 20th....first ever Teacher/Parent Advisory Panel 4:30 at the Learning Resource Board Room. This is an exciting adventure with parents and staff coming together to work on some exciting inclusive activities!

Thanks for all you do! Have a great weekend!

Next week: What are some myths in the special education world these days?

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another "Friendly" Reminder and....

Hello All!

Wow! What beautiful Fall weather has come our way! Most definitely a challenge for all of us to stay inside and do the ever popular IEPs due this month! Please note that I am aware of your busy schedules this month and know that you all know the need to have all IEPs current by the end of this month. We are trying for October
15th as our target date!! Friendly reminders will be coming from our office in the upcoming week or two to find out how things are going...thank you for your hard work and professionalism in completing these tasks to keep our special education budget in line. Speaking of budgets....our special education budget results from last year indicate that our deficit was only around $400,000 this past year. That is $200,000 less than last year! Congratulations! Although it's hard to believe that $400,000 deficit is good really is when our budget is only funded 40% by federal monies. Ok...enough talk about money!:-)

Last week I had an opportunity to attend the Iowa Council of Administrators of Special Education. This is a twice a year meeting of special education directors across the state of Iowa. Two great presentations included information on video self modeling and a presentation from a parent's perspective on 10 Things Everyone Can do Tomorrow for Students with Autism. I hope to have this parent come speak to us next school year...she has a background in education and consulting and really was a dynamic speaker from the eyes of an educator! I would be happy to share more news from the conference if anyone is interested.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I am having difficulty with my Vizzle printing. When I print (black and white or color) all of the icons do not print. I have asked support, and the they have suggested I try printing one page at a time (I have), and saving to my desktop (I have), and I have sent them my pages. They are actually getting my things to print for them. And they have suggested that my printer 'brain' is not up to par.

Has anyone else had troubles? and if so, have you solved them?

Ann L.