Thanks for attending our brief meeting this morning in the Upper Commons at the high school. A big THANK YOU to Melissa Bray, Joslin Hanna, Jennifer Porter, and Ivan Gentry in sharing their use of technology to help enhance home/school communications. Also, thanks to the high school for hosting and Ivan for setting up the hardware goods!
Also..congratulations to Jennifer Porter on her Newcomer award, Cathy Harris and Jean Monroe for their upcoming retirements. We wish them all the best!
Finally, as shared this morning middle school and high school teachers will have an opportunity to get ahead of the game for our next round of IEP compliance activities...and receive a stipend as well! Please see information below:
As you may know, Linn-Mar is up for a compliance review again next year. To prepare for this we have been given an opportunity to spend a day with our Transition Consultant, Mary Crandall, to work on the following:
6 Critical Elements
Go over data from an informal review of our current IEPS
Spend time working on your IEPS
An added benefit will be that all teachers will be paid a stipend of $150.00 for the day.
We hope that you will take advantage of this training.
Time: Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Place: LRC Rooms 304 & 305
Time: 8:30-3:30 with 1 hour for lunch
Please bring your laptops so you can access your IEPS.
I look forward to seeing you all back here at Linn Mar this coming Fall...watch for some exciting new websites and use of technology within Student Services land. As always feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns that may arise in these last few weeks of school or even over the summer. I will be in the office the majority of the summer days.
Take Care,