Friday, September 3, 2010

New School Year!

Hello All Student Support Teachers!

Woo Hoo! We have a three day weekend coming up and more than two weeks of school under our belts! I have had the opportunity to walk through all buildings within these last two weeks and have seen exciting programming going on for students. Thank you to all of you for your professionalism and support to students and families in the Linn Mar district!

I will be posting various 'newsy' items to this blog through out the school year with scheduled updates happening at the minimum of 2 times a month. (My goal would be for once a week, however as we all know sometimes other 'goals' might get in the way!:-)

May you all enjoy this three day weekend and I look forward to working with you all during this school year.

Take Care,


  1. Big bonus -- I can now plug the address into my Google RSS reader and get updates!!

  2. Hi everyone!
    I'm sure that Co-Writer is being used by some of you. We're trying to get this program to use with some of our students. To those of you who are using it, what are your outcomes? How much does this program improve the students' motivation and ability to compose?

  3. any word on the fieldtrip situation? This is frustrating as I know transportation (we should be nice because without this department we would all be 'lost') requires two weeks' notice for a bus-not gonna happen since it's the 14th. Guess we can maybe attend next year. Julie is out of the office until Thursday, hopefully she is not doing ANY work and able to be enjoying her family. Have a great four day week!!!!
