Monday, September 26, 2011


Bookshare is a website that has accessible books, textbooks, periodicals, etc. for students with print disabilities. As an educational institution we have access to all of their books online. They can be downloaded to a computer and most will go onto an iPad or iPod Touch. The daisy reader will read the books out loud or books can be read on the screen. Print can be enlarged, highlighted, etc. If you are using these books on an iPod Touch or an iPad you will need to buy an app for $19.99 called Read2Go from the iTunes app store. I downloaded the app on a student-specific iPad for a child in Steve Moses class (Excelsior) for a student who is visually impaired.
Someone from each of your buildings could apply for an institutional membership. Though memberships are usually paid the federal government has provided money to allow schools to have free access to books.

Jackie Wellborn